Fitness Can be Quick and Fun

It’s so easy to blow off working out when our to-do lists are a mile long. It’s usually the first thing to go when trying to find time in our busy schedule. But a workout doesn’t have to be 2 hours at the gym.

Today I fit my workout into our crazy homeschool schedule. I know that everyone’s schedule looks different, so what works for me may not work for you. But I wanted to share how my workouts are not always spent sweating at the gym for an hour or even two because… well, who has time for that? Unless being fit is your job, most people don’t have extra hours in the day reserved just for working out.

I did get to the gym yesterday and got in a great leg day. So I thought today would be a wonderful day to fit in a quick abdominal circuit. I love circuits because they take much less time than my “normal” lifting routine and they get my heart rate up as well. And circuits are great for burning fat! (especially when you don’t have time for cardio)

Here is what I did for my abdominal circuit:

core circuit

(If you have any questions about what these exercises are feel free to ask questions in the comment section below.)

Abdominal routines are great because you can change up the exercises every time you do a routine, and never get bored. I have to put in a disclaimer thought. Abs are truly made in the kitchen. What one eats is just as important as what they do in the gym. If I do 1,000 crunches I’m not going to see my six pack (hidden under my layer of insulation) unless I am eating right. So while it’s fun to do a fat burning circuit to strengthen my core and help my abs show up, they wont be making an appearance if I eat a sheet cake at night after a stressful day.

Abs are usually a side note on one of my normal lifting days, but since I wanted to add in an extra workout day this week, this routine was perfect and quick.

Since my day was packed with homeschool plans and it was a beautiful day, I didn’t want to spend a half hour on the treadmill. I decided to combine a few activities to get myself (and the kiddos) out of the house and active. So, we went on a scavenger nature hike.

Last spring I printed out some scavenger hunt cards with good intentions to use them… but (surprise) I never made time to go. So I had to change a couple of the items (like instead of searching for a budding tree my kiddos looked for leaves changing colors). My daughter had fun telling me “look mom, a budding tree!” every time she found pretty red autumn leaves just to make a point that her cards were in fact wrong. Have I ever mentioned my daughter’s love for pointing out when I’m wrong? No? Okay… just checking. She’s really a sweetheart… really. But I digress.

Overall it was a success! The kiddos hiked up some pretty steep hills and they are starting to build up their hiking endurance. It’s fun seeing just how far they will go… before the boy says he’s hungry.

nature hike 2

It was also just great to be out in nature. I’m trying to soak up all this amazing weather before winter hits.

Not only was it nice to change up my fitness routine but it’s exciting that my kiddos are at an age where we can do fitness together. It was great to have a slower paced day and really enjoy time with my kids.

It is possible to be fit and healthy, even when life gets busy. It’s not always easy, and some weeks are better than others. It’s important to just keep moving, and do what you love! 

Check out my previous post about balancing life with fitness and healthy eating if you would like more tips on how to make that happen.

My favorite find was this little mushroom family growing on a tree that crossed overhead on our path. The kiddos made sure I took a bajillion photos to document our hike.


What outdoor activities do you enjoy doing to stay fit? Or are you more of an indoor fitness lover? Feel free to comment below.


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