5 Foods I NEVER (or rarely) Buy Organic, and what I ALWAYS do!
Pretty much for all my meals, I prefer to eat organic. There is a lot of research out there to back why it’s a good idea. Pesticide use can be linked to health problems, respiratory problems, risks of certain cancers, and possible reproductive issues. But for the budget conscious (which I am), eating organic EVERYTHING can really break the bank. There are some conventional or non organic foods that tend to be really low in pesticide exposure.

If you are looking to save some money, yet still get the biggest health bang for your buck, I’m hoping to help you out with the 5 foods I rarely buy organic.
- Avocados and other fruit with thick skin. Not only are avocados on the “clean fifteen” list (meaning they are very low in pesticides), but they also have a wonderful thick skin. So any chemicals are less likely to be in the fruit. Fewer than 1% of avocados have pesticide residues when tested. And of those 1%, only one type of pestiside was found. So, I typically save money buy buying conventional avocados.
- Farmers Market “no spray” or “pesticide free” foods. I love our local Farmer’s Market. This is a great place to not worry so much about the “organic label. It’s incredibly expensive for farmers to “buy” the USDA Organic label. While many small local farms follow organic practices, they often can’t afford or don’t want to pay for the expensive label. If you find a sign that says “no spray” or “pesticide free” you are getting the same wonderful organic produce without the “organic” price. Also, farmer’s market produce is often much more fresh and you get to support your local farmers.
- Mushrooms: Not only are mushrooms typically on the “Clean Fifteen” list, but I don’t eat mushrooms. Bleck! My hubby loves them but we don’t have them all that often so when I buy them I typically get conventional. Unless I’m planning on buying a large batch for multiple recipes for the husband in which case I get the big organic basket from Costco because it’s worth the price.
- Onions: Not only are these on the “clean fifteen” list, but I have a hard time finding organic onions. I don’t use them all that often. Sometimes when we make bulk homemade salsa we will buy “no spray” onions from the farmers market. But in every day shopping at stores I don’t buy organic onions.
- Pinnnaple: It’s on the “Clean Fifteen” list, it’s got a nice thick “skin”, and I have yet to find an organic pineapple in stores. My hubby and kids love fresh pineapple and I’ve never seen or searched stores for an organic one. These and watermelon could probably just fit in with avocados for having thick skin. I do wash melons before cutting whenever I eat them though. I have heard too many weird stories of people getting sick when the knife gets the junk from the outside on the inside fruit.
What I always buy Organic:
- Strawberries: Not only do I buy these heavily sprayed fruit organic, I soak my organic strawberries in apple cider vinegar water to truely wash them. Even “organic” strawberries are sometimes sprayed with things that are considered organic but I don’t want on my fruit when I eat it. Also, since we eat the skin, I want to make sure it’s super clean. Soaking the fruit in vinegar and patting them dry before storing in the fridge helps prolong the “shelf life” of your fruit. I do this vinegar soak with most fruits that have skin that I would eat (blueberries, raspberries, nectarines etc…).
- Dairy! Not only do I buy organic dairy, I look for 100% grass fed. You can’t get the essential vitamin K2 for bone and heart health from conventional dairy. I also find that dairy irritates my skin. I tend to break out when I eat dairy but if it’s grass fed organic I have fewer breakouts. I avoid dairy in general but can’t help but indulging around holidays and special occasions.
- Leafy greens: When eating out I don’t sweat the small stuff but I always buy organic leafy greens (like spinach, lettuce, kale). These are often at the top of EWG’s Dirty Dozen List each year.
- Peaches and Nectarines: These are 2 of my daughter’s favorite fruits. I almost always wait for these to be in season so not only do they taste amazing but I am likely to find the organic ones. In the off season it’s almost impossible to find. I almost always get a bunch of peaches when we travel to Georgia. Best peaches ever!
- Apples and Pears: I am so thankful for Trader Joes for this reason. Least expensive organic pears and apples which are typically heavily sprayed. I don’t ever think to buy anything but organic in this category.
- Grains such as oatmeal and occasionally wheat. Our family loves oats! We typically avoid wheat but when we do buy it, we are SURE to buy organic. Oats and wheat are heavily sprayed with glyphosate (which is associated with Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma).
We also have our own garden where we grow organic tomatoes, peppers, squash, and more! This can be a big money saver! Be sure to check out the EWG’s Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen lists so that you can make the best decisions for your families health and pocket book! 🙂
Let me know if you have any non-negotiable organic buys in the comments below.