CBD Balm for my Hammies!
I can honestly say I finally did the splits! Unfortunately, I was injured in the process. I have been working on my front splits for years now…. following a video called “How to Get the Splits 30 Day Challenge”. Needless to say it has taken me over 30 days. Here is the video if you want to do a 30 day video for over 4 years. 😉 Maybe if I was under 40 I could have achieved this goal quicker but it took me a bit longer.
How to Get the Splits 30 Day Challenge
I was super close to my splits on one side mind you, but I just couldn’t do the full splits with this routine alone. My good friend who used to be in gymnastics recommended that I hold my splits position longer, say during commercials while watching TV. In defense of the video, she does hold her splits position a bit longer than I typically do but I added a LOT more hold time after my friend made the suggestions. So I made a change to my routine. I continued my yoga challenge routine, but held the splits pose longer with yoga blocks and held the pose again at night when stretching before bed.

About a week into holding the pose I saw a noticeable difference. So noticeable that I wanted to “show off” to my hubby how far I’d gotten in just a week. I had just finished lifting (leg day) so I was extra warmed up and flexible. I went upstairs to show my husband that I was a mere inch or less away from my goal. I started to slide into the front splits when I suddenly dropped to the floor. And I mean dropped, into a FULL splits. There was nothing holding me back, except for a nice little pop I heard as I went down. My husband and I both stared at each other in disbelieve (more due to the sound I heard than the fact that I reached my splits “goal”). “Did you hear that?!” my husband asked? “I heard AND felt that!” I replied. I didn’t feel any pain at that moment but I was afraid to get up. My hubby helped me to my feet and I was able to walk just fine without any pain whatsoever. Phew, no ER trip needed. But he explained that my endorphins were probably high from my workout and I may feel the pain as the day went on. So I immediately iced the injury, rested, and walked on it only to keep it moving some from time to time. Sure enough I had more pain as the day went on and my flexibility went from full splits nada in just hours.
Long story short, I reached my goal but probably tore something in the meantime. So, I did ice therapy for the first week, along with essential oils and CBD balm! Then I added in sauna, red light therapy and light stretching. I took the week off lower body workouts and slowly worked in body weight lower body exercises in week 2, followed by lighter weights in week 3 (focusing on doing a full range squats and lunges rather than piling on more weight). Have you checked out “Knees over Toes Guy” on Insta? If not, you might want to. His videos have been very helpful during my recovery.
A wonderful aid in my recovery has been the CBD Balm I have been using. It’s from Rocky Mountain Oils. Full disclosure, I am an affiliate because I LOVE their products SO much. I trust them and have been using their oils for years. They sent me this CBD Balm at just the right time. Divine intervention perhaps? Thank you Jesus. 🙂 It’s made with full spectrum CBD and quality soothing essential oils to aid in recovery and ease pain. I like to use the balm at night before I go to bed. I love the beeswax base, and that it doesn’t have a bunch of weird ingredients/fillers.
Wintergreen Essential Oil (So keep out of reach from littles. It’s not recommended for pregnant or nursing women either.)
Copaiba Essential Oil
Camphor Essential Oil
Peppermint Essential Oil
Clove Bud Essential Oil
Frankincense Essential Oil
White Fir Essential Oil
100 mg Hemp Derived CBD
You could literally buy all these ingredients and make your own, but who has time for that? Plus it comes in a little container that’s kinda like a stick of deodorant. You can turn the nob to get the amount you want, apply a thin layer to the area of discomfort, and gently massage it in.
Speaking of massage, I’ve also had 2 massages since my injury. I avoided them in the first couple weeks, but after that I was game. And those have helped with pain and stress management. My sweet husband gifted one of them to me for my birthday.
It’s been a slow recovery in that I still can’t run, and am nowhere near as flexible as before my injury, but I don’t see surgery in my future! And I can jump rope, lift weights (besides deadlift), and do moderate stretches. Essential oils, red lights, CBD oil and all that fun “woo woo” stuff isn’t magic. It wont make you go from zero to 60 in a day. But I do see a difference. I feel the soothing relief when I rub on the balm on and I know that Rocky Mountain Oils is a quality source. So it felt like my birthday when this arrived in the mail.
I am on my way to recovery!
This stuff would also be great for sore muscles after a workout even without an injury. I am always mixing up a similar blend of oils from RMO with fractionated coconut oil to rub on sore muscles after a tough workout. This balm is WAY less messy than my concoction and has the added benefit of CBD oil. It’s a great combo for sore muscles and inflammation.
Have you ever tried a CBD balm on an injury? If so, was it helpful? I find that the wintergreen, frankincense , clove bud , and peppermint oils have been helpful in the past when I made my own concoctions for sore muscles. So, I was super excited that this had all 4 of my favorite “recovery oils” plus more!
Let me know what you think in the comments below.
If you want to know more about Rocky Mountain Oils check out this post on why I LOVE Rocky Mountain Oils.

Why Rocky Mountain Oils?
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