Mother’s Day Gift Ideas Your Mom Will Love
Mother’s Day can be tough. Okay, let’s face it, anytime you need to buy a woman a gift is tough for the gift giver… especially if this is the 10th or 15th Mother’s Day and you are flat out of ideas. Now add in Covid stay-at-home orders in some states and you may need a whole lot of prayer and creativity to find a Mother’s Day gift your wife and mother to your children will enjoy. Especially after she has been stuck in the house for who knows how many days/weeks/months and may reeeeeally need to feel appreciated right about now.
Well, I have a list of ideas just for you… for the men and kids out there who may be thinking “now what?!”
Obviously not every mom will love every item on this list but this will hopefully spark some new ideas. Think about what the mom in your life loves and see if any of these would make her feel the most loved.

Here is a list of Mother’s Day Gifts that mom may love:
- Flowers/plants: Yep, I started out with the obvious but I don’t mean your regular cut bouquet of flowers from Walmart or delivered flowers that cost FAR too much. I mean a potted flower (like orchids that will last a lot longer), a nice hanging basket or potted floral arrangement for outside, or even some potted succulents. Trader Joes often has some pretty neat house plants for sale year round. If your wife loves to cook (like I do) you could buy her some fresh basil or other herbs and put them in nice pots with cute chalk labels. This cute herb kit has everything you need.
- A framed photo of a special time with the kids: Get a nice frame or have the kiddos decorate a craft frame.
- Four Sigmatic Coffee or Hot Cocoa: If she is a coffee drinker she may want to try this coffee. If she is not a coffee drinker (I’m not), their hot chocolate is fantastic. You can get it through Amazon (click here for coffee and here for hot cocoa) or usually pretty awesomely priced at Thrive Market. Or maybe she already has a favorite specialty coffee or tea. A new cute mug and her favorite beverage is always a sweet surprise.
- A Thrive Market membership: I mentioned Thrive Market and they have some pretty awesome healthy treats like chocolate, popcorn, bars, and more. They have tons of awesome groceries for every diet (paleo, vegan, keto and more) as well as non toxic beauty products, household cleaners, baby items and SO much more. You could get a membership and order the first order full of awesome treats you know the mom to your children will LOVE. I have a list of My Thrive Favorites I wrote a while back you can check out here. But my list keeps on growing. They have some pretty amazing chocolate that I just love and I bet any momma would too.
- Quality chocolate: Okay, you may have gotten her chocolate for every Mother’s Day ever but this stuff is the good stuff. Hu Chocolate is made with quality ingredients and it’s SO good! They have several different kinds that they sell on amazon and Thrive Market. Evolved Chocolate is another amazing brand if she likes dark chocolate (sold on Amazon and Thrive Market). I’ve also found these brands in the health food section of some grocery stores.
- A Himalayan salt lamp
- Essential Oils and diffuser: Some nice calming oils and a diffuser may be just the thing she needs.
- A Dry Brush Set: Dry brushing can smooth skin and may improve collagen. I love mine!
- An instant pot: If she doesn’t have an instant pot yet I bet she wants one. I don’t know how I ever lived without one. I can make a roast from frozen to done in no time at all with the pressure cooker setting. You can cook up anything from rice to yogurt to full course meals with the instant pot. And with all the at home cooking everyone is doing during the stay-at-home orders the instant pot makes life just a little a bit easier.
- Gift Certificates to her favorite places: Sure, everything is closed up right now due to Covid. But why not support local business and give mom something to look forward to. You could get a gift certificate for a massage, to her favorite restaurant, the movies (and let her pick the movie), for ice cream. The possibilities are endless.
- New cooking pans: Get her some non toxic cookware! Cast iron or stainless steel are my personal favorite. But don’t let her cook on Mother’s Day… unless she is just dying to use them right away. 😉
- Gardening supplies and seeds: It’s gardening season! If your wife loves veggie or flower gardens you can get her some new gardening gloves or other gardening supplies she may want and seeds or even some flowers or small veggie starter plants from your local gardening store.
- Matching Mother Daughter Jewelry: I don’t wear a lot of jewelry but when my sister-in-law made my daughter and I matching mother daughter bracelets my heart just melted. If the mom in your life loves jewelry and has a daughter this could be the gift for her.

And for those on a budget because sometimes the best gifts cost next to nothing :
- Coupon for a massage: This one is for husbands to give their wives. You may not be a certified massage therapist but I know that when my hubby offers to take time to give me a massage I feel very loved.
- Time alone: This one may seem silly since it’s Mother’s Day after all. And your wife doesn’t have to cash this one in ON actual Mother’s Day (since obviously most moms spend time with their family on this day). But giving her a night or a few hours during the day to just relax and get some time alone is a huge gift. The kiddos are often needing mom 24/7. With covid stay at home orders mom’s obviously can’t get away to some fancy hotel but that makes this gift even more budget friendly. Tell your wife that she should go spend some guilt free time in her room or outside on the porch. Let her “Netflix ‘n chill”, read a book, sleep in, take a bath, eat chocolates in peace without the kiddos asking if they can have some… whatever makes her heart happy. We moms often feel incredibly guilty when we take time to ourselves so sometimes a good gift is to force us to do just that (guilt free of course).
- Take out “date night” : If your kiddos are old enough (mine are 9 and 11), feed them dinner early, set them up with a movie then order take out for just you and your wife. Eat it out on the porch or outdoors with a picnic blanket if the weather is nice. Or eat in the dining room while your kiddos are in the other room. If you have babies, let your wife know to have some snacks to hold her over till later because you guys will be having a late night take out dinner together after you put the baby to bed. Have teens? Tell them to hang out in their rooms or go for a walk or bike ride or watch a movie on a laptop in another room. Be creative to do whatever it takes to have the kids give you and the wife some dinner alone time. We obviously can’t go out to dinner in most states right now but you can bring the fun home. Order from HER favorite place to eat of course. 😉
- Cook for her! Can’t afford take out? Cook something for her. Even if you are not the best cook in the world she will most likely appreciate the effort. I do the majority of the cooking for our family but my husband does pasta night and taco salad night each week because it’s easy and I enjoy the nights off. If she’s the usual cook in the house she will love the time off. If you are the usual cook, then you will probably whip up something amazing!
- Have the kids make stuff: If your home is anything like ours, mom is the one who remembers all the special holidays and has the kids make fun things for dad and other family members. Mother’s day often gets forgotten unless maybe school or Sunday school has a project for the kids to make and take home. Well, with Covid and distance learning, mom may just get forgotten this year. Nothing warms mom’s heart more than her kiddos putting in some effort to make mom something special. So pull out the paper, scissors, stickers, glue sticks, glitter, whatever it takes and let the kids go to town. And don’t forget to clean up the mess. I can’t tell you how much it has meant to me to get a card from my tween telling me I’m the best mom ever after we might have had a rough day that week. Mom’s love stuff made by their kiddos (no matter their age).
- A picnic with the family that you put together yourself: If the weather is nice, pack up a picnic and surprise both mom and the kids with a family picnic.
- Make her favorite baked good: Find the recipe to her favorite treats and make her a batch of cookies or brownies or whatever she likes best. Some of my favorites are these pb brownies or these almond butter cups. Yum!
- No cooking or cleaning all day. This one is great if mom is usually the one to cook and clean. I know I already mentioned you cooking or getting takeout but a free pass to not cook or clean on Mother’s Day is a big win! If mom wakes up and she is told she doesn’t have to lift a finger that day, it’s the ultimate Mother’s Day! Get the kids in on this one too (helping with extra chores and dishes or even cooking if they are old enough). This gift is my personal favorite!

Most of all, if you show her you love and value her as a mother, this day will be special. I really feel like moms need at least one day out of the year to be shown that they are truly appreciated. These are all gifts I would truly love. Every woman is different so think about the things that the mom in your life, and try and get a little creative with your gift. It doesn’t take a ton of money (or any at all) to let women know that you love them.
Let me know if you have any other gift suggestions in the comment section below. I always love new fun ideas for mom and family! You may also be helping out a dad in need of some ideas. I know my hubby says he wants to get me the perfect gift but it’s tough to know what to get.
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