Tagged: Chocolate


“Healthier” Protein Almond Butter Cups

Hey all! I don’t know about you, but one of my favorite childhood Halloween treats was Reese’s Peanutbutter Cups.  I have been known to partake in a DQ Reeses Peanutbutter Cup Blizzard Cake for...


Birthday Month!

August is “birthday month” in our house. My husband AND both my kiddos have August birthdays (the 1st, 15th, and 27th). So our entire month of August is full of birthday celebrations. Between separate...


Treat Yourself

It’s important to treat yourself to foods you love if you want long term success with healthy eating. Healthy eating is not just broiled chicken and steamed broccoli. In fact, I don’t think I...


Protein Fluff

Ready for a protein packed sweet treat?! Introducing protein fluff! I made a video which shows just how I make it your basic protein fluff. Below the video I have all the recipe written...


Two a Days and What I Ate Today

It’s not often that I get up before the kiddos and get in my quiet time with God AND sprints. Well, today I was just that kind of day! I was up an hour...


Black Bean Chocolate Muffins

Black Bean Chocolate Muffins… say what?!? My son wasn’t so sure when he saw me blending black beans in my food processor. He was even less convinced when my food processor had trouble blending...


I Eat Chocolate Almost Every Day

I’ve had a lot of people tell me they could never eat like me… that they couldn’t eat clean and healthy every single day. But the truth is, I eat a lot of really...

A Perfect Day for Cupcakes!

It was my birthday last Tuesday, so the kiddos and I took the day off of homeschool and did some baking in the morning.  Baking with (and without) my kiddos is one of my favorite...


Healthy Fudge Pops: A Perfect Summer Treat

It’s getting hotter as Summer approaches. So I decided to make some fudge pops for the kiddos. I pretty much just made a mega batch of my chocolate avocado pudding  plus almond butter and...