Category: Uncategorized


Two a Days and What I Ate Today

It’s not often that I get up before the kiddos and get in my quiet time with God AND sprints. Well, today I was just that kind of day! I was up an hour...


Newest Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen List

We don’t always buy organic produce, but we make sure to stick to organic when it comes to the “dirty dozen”. The “dirty dozen” are the 12 fruits and vegetables (when conventionally grown) that test highest for...


What’s in My Kitchen?

Want to get a sneak peek at the food in my kitchen? I recorded a few videos on my phone. Check them out bellow. Eating healthy doesn’t have to be difficult. I try to...


20 Tips to Eating Healthier on a Budget

Okay, you asked for it (and by you I mean my sister-in-law Ashlee) so here it is! Yep, it just takes one request for me to ramble about what I love to talk about-...


Only In Minnesota

Only in Minnesota is it sunny and high 50s today while tomorrow we are expecting a snow storm. Blah! Well, I will take the sunshine while I can. Today the kiddos and I took...


Green and Clean Homemade All Purpose Cleaner

I have been using this homemade all purpose cleaner as my shower spray after each shower. I wanted to lower my chances of mold and help ease cleanup without all the chemicals of the...


Toasted Cinnamon Coconut Chips

I get my unsweetened coconut chips from amazon and Trader Joes. I like to toast my own coconut chips so that I know there will be no added junky oils or other weird ingreditents....


Clutch Life Review

I just finished up the Clutch Life: Ashley Conrad’s 24/7 Fitness Trainer and I thought I would let you all know how it went. UPDATE: This program is no longer free on however, all...


Items That Can Benefit Your at Home Workout

Don’t want to go to the gym today? Here are some of my favorite items for a quality “at home” workout: Free weights: don’t have room for lots of weights? Give these adjustable dumbbells...