Category: Main


Not Your Momma’s Meatloaf

Oh how I LOATHED meatloaf as a child. I’m not sure if it was my hatred for onions or the overwhelming taste of ketchup cooked into my beef, but I couldn’t stand it. Thankfully...


SUPER Hulk Waffles!!

I started making waffles for my kiddos as a way to get some protein into my daughter’s diet. She LOVES oatmeal, which is great, but she is not a fan of eggs (a wonderful...

A Perfect Day for Cupcakes!

It was my birthday last Tuesday, so the kiddos and I took the day off of homeschool and did some baking in the morning.  Baking with (and without) my kiddos is one of my favorite...


Zucchini Turkey Meatballs

Don’t know what to do with all that zucchini you just picked from your garden? Is it coming out of your ears? If you are anything like me you are looking for new ways to...


Curried Cashews

I have been MIA for about a month. I can’t help it, I just love Summer. Since it’s such a short season here in Minnesota I have been soaking up every minute in the...


Healthy Fudge Pops: A Perfect Summer Treat

It’s getting hotter as Summer approaches. So I decided to make some fudge pops for the kiddos. I pretty much just made a mega batch of my chocolate avocado pudding  plus almond butter and...


2 versions of protein brownies!

I have 2 new versions of protein brownies with my favorite protein powder right now Great Lakes Beef Collagen. Beef gelatin is SUPER good for you. It’s good for: your joints added protein skin...


Groats Are Not Gross

What in the world are buckwheat groats? I hadn’t even heard of them until just last year. When I went grain free for a bit my chiropractic nutritionist suggested I replace my oatmeal with buckwheat...


Crispy Whole Chicken in the Oven

Want a perfectly crispy whole chicken that isn’t totally bone dry in the middle? Then I have the recipe for you! You can add any seasoning you like but I usually just make this...